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“The most exquisite oil I’ve experienced. Deep reverence.”
- Gina B 

“I need another bottle, My boyfriend loves the oil and took mine. Lol.״
- Mars 

“Your oil is working wonders on my scalp״ - Serenity

“Your oils have transcended my dried out skin and hair. This mama is feeling so nourished.”
- Cassidy 

“I got to use your oil this weekend In ceremony and it was life-saving, life-giving”

“I tried the oil on my face last night, and wow, the smell is so luxurious and sensual, it felt super emollient and nourishing on my skin and I just love it…. Also, I’m so picky with oils and what goes on my skin which is why I only make my own but yours is the shit mama”
- Mars 


“I wanted to send you a message because I purchased your salve and the improvements It has had on my son’s eczema is incredible. We have literally tried everything. Thank you for your work.”

“I purchased your butter and it’s amazing so far my skin is extremely ‏ sensitive and this has been a blessing to me” -Lisette

“Healing salve Helped heal my deep cat scratch last week״
- Nikita 

“Mama T came through with a magical salve, healed my elbow, right up after one night”
- Alexandra 

“I tried the salve on my dog because he has been getting hot patches on his skin, and this one turned bright red, even bleeding from so much scratching… Today it is looking almost 100% back to normal… I love the consistency of the salve and the smell too. You are a medicine making wizard mama!”
- Mars 

“I second-degree burned my hand and your salve decrease the burning by 80%. Thank you.”

“I’ve been using the salve almost every day for the past month on my cesarean scar, and it has been my go to every time it’s truly healing on all levels”
- Cassidy 


“This is some of the juiciest purest stuff life has to offer…made with so much love and sexiness I can feel it.“
- Serenity 

“This smells so delicious like I can eat it”- Ru 

“The smell is so luxurious and intoxicating”
- Baelyn


“If the plants are calling you, Teresa is your girl”
- Susana L 

“ Love, love, love, my nectar, oil, and  cream”
- Debb Z 

“This body butter smells like straight sacred sexxxxx”
- Sarah


“Me and baby are doing a goddess hour and anointing ourselves with the oil and herbs for our bath. Completely luxurious for both mama and baby.”
- Stephanie 

“Smells so amazing and fresh”. -Enrique 

“Yoni steam dreams”
- Kiley 

“Helps reach highest form of daily goddess activities”
- Serenity

“Nourishing baths, bless Mama T for this divine blend”
- Ion 


“This taste is so freaking delicious. Where can I get a gallon?”
- Aubrey 


“Wow… I really do feel a reset in my energy”. - Saija

“NOMM THIS SMEll” - Justice 

“A breath of fresh air” - Oleg

“Mama T, I’ve been using the mist for my daily meditations and it’s helped me ground into my own sacredness. Truly restoring my energy back to me.”
- Jess


(Nothing yet) 


“Hey babe, just wanted to let you know the Medicina is fabulous. This feels great.”
- Raven

“This mushroom combo is absolutely amazing, Thank you.”
- Sarah 

"Your MicroMagic has worked wonders on opening me up. I feel expansive, immersed deliciously in the present, abundance, excited and finally in the flow with allowing myself to welcome In Big Joy, big pleasure, & big money into my life. Your medicine was exactly what I needed to integrate years of shadow work and self-worth practice.”
- Alix 

“PS your medicine is truly magic, it’s helped me kick my smoking habit and has assisted me with a liver cleanse”
- Jesse 

“Day two of the magic, and you truly figured it out, the combination of this recipe is the perfect experience. Such a profound impact to my nervous system.”
- Veronika 

“After completing my first month, I am feeling heart centered, present, and connected to myself, my daughter, and the beauty of life around me. I’ve remembered my natural state of being and have been able to drop into that seat again. “
- Sarah P 

“My wife has had the most incredible experience so far thank you for your part in our lives”
-Dr. Skip 

“I’m happy to report back that since starting the mushroom magic treatments, I no longer have had to take my anxiety medicine.
- Velma 

“My brother is going to have a call with you today and I’m also scheduling this for my son. This medicine is a blessing to me so I will be telling everyone I know about this.” 
- Angel 

“I’ve been sharing with my close, friends and family. My experience was in a very noticeable shift at First, but when I let go of my every day, weed use it allowed me to truly feel what it has to offer. “
- Jayvie 

"I’ve been having a wonderful experience, even purged, a whole lot of my feelings in the beginning of my journey, cried my little year-old out, and literally been enjoying life to the fullest.”
- Maria 

“It hit me like a ton of bricks and gave me immediate focus and drive, helped guide me back to True acceptance, ready to go, full send and dedicated to the free motion of my spiritual growth/mental health. Now I’m not having crazy ass panic attacks, my breathing is heard, my heartbeat is even, my sex life is Fire, I’m not as bitchy, I’m more easy-going with my communication, I’m more aware of myself.”
- Stass 

“Not only was a fighting lupus, but also narcolepsy it’s truly changed my life, now I can stay awake without stimulants for the first time in 10+ years”
- Client Privacy

“Micro dosing has changed my life in fundamental ways. I was the depths of depression and anxiety. No motivation, lonely, regular, suicidal, ideations, and felt there was no hope. Microdose sing reversed all of that. It gave me a clarity of thought that freed my mind to see my situation in a new light. Lifted the negative fog, allowing my soul to rediscover self-love. Today I sit here happier and more hopeful than I’ve been in years, excited for the future.”
- Luis 

“Wow, today is the first day I started my micro and it’s the first day I haven’t felt an overwhelming amount of sadness in months.”
- Jazmine 

“I have a sense of vibrancy and being alive I much needed since I was going through grieving”
- Myriam 

“I have found much success in Freedom in the healing process of the magic that you supply. This has helped me out so much for my mental health.”
- Connor 

“I feel uplifted, ability to shift my perspective, and increased sensory input that is not bothersome”- Shannon “ I am officially off my PPI and off all steroids. I’m so beyond grateful.”
- Client privacy 

“I have received so many benefits, I feel more focus, it’s Sparks, my creativity, I feel happier, and at ease.”
- Jacob


“If I could write a whole book on the ways that Mama T has guided me through my healing journey, it would be volumes. I’ve been in talk therapy for about 3 years now and through that work, I was able to really integrate and digest the messages and wisdom that came through in my work with Mama T. She’s so present, intuitive, and really intercepts the messages of Spirit. She’s one of the purest people I’ve ever met and am honored to have done some of the work with her. The main services that I’ve received from Mama T have been Ozone therapy which helped immensely with my asthma and environmental allergies, microdosing protocols and mushroom ceremony which changed my life for the better and sound baths. Like I said, I could go on forever. But the short time that I’ve been working with Mama T have been integral in my healing journey and the integration process. What a privilege it is to work with Teresa.”

“Going through ceremony with Mama T was an experience that change the trajectory of my life for the better. Being able to sit in plant medicine, allowed me the opportunity to meet myself and meet my ancestors who showed up for me in the most beautiful and magical way. I wouldn’t have been able to navigate through my first experience with plant medicine without the support and guidance of Mama T. Mama T was exactly where she needed to be through my whole journey! She held me, she cried with me, she gave me space, she helped me feel safe and protected! After my ceremony, my depression and anxiety decreased as I became more aware of who I really am and who I have always been! I have been able to stand in my truth and make some of the biggest decisions of my life with help of plant medicine and Mama T. I’m forever grateful!”
- Kat

"I experienced my very first psilocybin ceremony with Teresa in November of 2022. Nerves were definitely permeating throughout my body as I was embarking on uncharted territory. Before journeying, intentions were set which calmed my nerves and turned them into excitement. Teresa made it a point to guide my experience in a way that fully recognized and respected my intent. The way she held space for me to experience whatever it was that I needed to journey through is unmatched. The releases were not pretty but I felt so safe to feel whatever was coming up for me. I felt held. I felt loved. I felt taken care of. I could really go on and on, but for the sake of keeping this an appropriate length, I’ll just say that my experience was nothing less than perfect. I’ve already referred a couple friends to her who also had full bodied experiences.”

“Warmth, Safety, and Security. That is how Teresa made me feel when she guided me through my first psilocybin experience. Her knowledge, her tenderness, and her genuine love for people and the practice are what make Teresa so beautiful. She has imprinted on my heart and mind and will forever be my goddess. I can't recommend her enough to someone looking to expand or heal their mind.”
- Sharon

“Teresa was an integral part of my breakthrough and healing through both spiritual ceremony and micro and macro dosing. Her support was amazingly warm and facilitated a feeling of ease and gratitude. I’m forever grateful to her for her role in this journey of my unfolding”

“I came to Teresa for help with some Very difficult problems. She met me where I was, treated me like family and collaborated with with me in my search for answers. I enjoy working with Teresa every step of the way and a year later my life has changed dramatically. With her help I have quit lifelong addictions to nicotine and pot. My diet is drastically improved and I no longer engage in a whole repertoire of destructive behaviors. My relationships with others are much improved as I have become more accepting of myself and others. If you are looking to "Change your Mind" I strongly recommend Teresa!”
- Robert